
The Best Tools for your Web Development Job

No web project truly starts from scratch. Software and applications are based on tried and true libraries and frameworks designed to morph to fit your needs. Some of these are great at what they do, and some are not, much like the folks using them. Sterner Stuff is top-notch at developing the tools you need, and my experience helps me pick the right building blocks for every job.

Of course, this page is only really for the curious. You shouldn’t have to worry about implementation details. Set up a meeting and I can make a professional recommendation on how to solve your business problems and reach your goals.

Marketing Website Development with WordPress

Wordpress logoNo sense in not starting with the most dependable content management solution (CMS) on the web. WordPress currently powers about 25% of the internet’s websites. Its massive community means plugins get a lot of eyes on them to make sure they’re up to snuff.

It’s also a great eCommerce platform if you aren’t looking to do anything too fancy. WooCommerce gives WordPress support for selling your business’s goods online, keeping track of orders, saving shopping carts and a variety of other things.

WordPress Things I Like:

  • Beaver Builder
  • Advanced Custom Fields
  • Gravity Forms
  • WooCommerce
  • The Events Calendar
  • WP Job Manager

If you need a simple WordPress website, custom theme and plugin development, or something in between, let’s chat.

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CRMs, Inventory, and Other Business Software Development with Laravel

Laravel logoLaravel is a PHP framework designed to be painless to work with and entirely customizable. I use it to create business applications that drive efficiency and growth for your company. It usually lays on top of a database of information, replacing things like Excel for a platform that does so much more. For example:

  • Bridge together several different systems so they can talk to each other
  • Inject product-related data into a template for your employees to show off to potential clients
  • Move your company’s inventory online so employees on the road can check and adjust stock

And a host of other wildly specific applications, all tailor-made for your business. Like WordPress, Laravel has a massive community, which means lots of ready-to-go extensions for the most common requirements.

Start Building Custom Business Software

Vue for Snappy Interfaces

Vue logoWhen it comes to front-end Javascript frameworks, I’m a big fan of Vue. It’s lightweight and easy to drop in for just as much as you need. Libraries like Vue are for making interfaces that react on the fly, and I usually use it along with Laravel when making your awesome business software.

Back in the day, you might remember refreshing your Facebook page if you wanted to see new content. Modern frameworks like Vue make live-reloading like you see today on Facebook possible.

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